All you have to do to win these versatile and everyday jeans is to
1) Leave a comment with your name (if you don't feel comfortable leaving your whole name, feel free to leave your first name and last initial) and hometown and at least one reason why you keep coming back to my blog.
2) Refer your friends to this blog. Ladies, this is the honor system!
I apologize to my international readers but this contest is open only to U.S. residents. The contest ends July 14th. Best of luck!
I apologize to my international readers but this contest is open only to U.S. residents. The contest ends July 14th. Best of luck!
hi - yay giveaway! i like to read your blog because it's great style inspiration for me and my job - i work at a consulate in chicago - so need to dress professionally and elegantly, but still in a manner that is culturally aware - fashion is a great way to express one's interest in the arts.
ps - tried a short-sleeved, theory white shirt: very opaque and good quality, just more expensive than would like... still looking.
Naomi P
It's always fun seeing fashion in different parts of the country.
I get my fashion fix with this blog.
Lulu W
I got addicted when you wearing all that YSL and have been following ever since. You put things together in a very on trend but not trendy way which I really appreciate.
I love your blog, your style is refreshing! Wish you would show your face though, bet you are hella cute! :)
I like you're blog because the name of it first stood out to me "thumbelina fashionista" and I figured you were tiny like me and I like to see how other "petite" fashionistas dress. It's refreshing to see that you are conservative and don't dress outlandish.
Hi Thumbelina!
Thank you sooo sooo much for your lovely comment!
Made me taking a look at your blog directly this evening ;)
What a wonderful giveaway!!
Good luck to you all! (unfortunately I´m from Germany ;)
Wishing you a wonderful sunny & relaxing day!
Hugs from...
I agree. your elegant/stylish chic and the name Thunbelina Fashionista are fabulous!!!!
I always enjoy reading your blog because you select such fabulous individual pieces for your wardrobe, and frame them in a stunning way; it's always so great to observe :)
-- Anjali (Palo Alto)
Hi! I discovered your blog through Style Spy, and I'm a fan because I'm short too so I find I can take inspiration from your style. I'm also a huge fan of belts and am always interested to see how you wear yours. Thanks for running the contest!
Sorry, forgot to leave my hometown -- Philadelphia.
I love how you mix pieces together! I'm able to observe the designer labels being worn with basic labels that college students like myself wear. It's definitely awesome to see another person's style for inspiration. Thanks :]
I love your blog because you dress very elegantly and because you're petite which gives me ideas on how to dress for work too..I've been reading your blog since last year and have recommended it to my friends.
I'm sentimental about this blog: it opened up a whole world of fashion chat that I never knew existed. I love the style and the advice, which transcend trend and size (!!).
Jo S. I am from Portland, Ore. I love reading all things fashiony and this is a great blog! Thanks for the contest.
Minneapolis, MN
Hi Thumbelina! Yay to giveaways! I read your blog for the fabulous shoes and outfits...and your great writing, too!
I'll leave the contest to the worthy commenters above and below, but want to chime in that I read your blog for your articulate writing and smart ideas. I just love a good read!
Hi Thumbelina-
I love this jean. I hope I can win this contest ;)..
I love coming to your blog because I like your clean and elegant style.
Hi, this is Julie J. from Miami, FL. I keep coming back to your blog because of it's original material.
I follow a lot of fashion blogs and many seem to pass around the same editorials/photos coming from the industry. Yet my favorite blogs are ones like these that portray how a real woman incorporates the industry's products into her own style. I can appreciate your mix of a high quality pair of shoes or belt with a more economical blazer, dress, etc.
As many have already mentioned, it's also nice to see a petite woman dressing her own frame.
This is always included in my recommended list of style blogs. :)
hi thumbelina!
this is lynn from new york.
i've been coming back to your blog cause you feature a lot of work outfits. something i can get inspiration from since i also work in a corporate environment in new york!
Dear TF:
The reason I come back to your blog frequently is because it's remarkably well written, but even more importantly, it makes fashion completely accessible and democratic. I love the fact that you stay anonymous, because you're not out for your own fame, but rather you're about educating the public on how to dress beautifully.
With much gratitude,
Susan A.
I completely agree with the above comment. I love your well written blog. I love that you keep your own style & taste, which is not jumping over to too extreme trend, but still elegant & chic.
I love your blog as a mom of three in t shirt and jeans I love to see fashion and the outfit others put together.
jessica c
Your style is excellent for real people in professional field. Classic & stylish & comfort for office environment. Thanks.
Awesome giveaway! I always come back to your blog for more of your sophisticated, classy, yet modern style! I share your enthusiasm for exquisite clothes and dressing up everyday, no matter what the occasion!
Tiffany T.
San Diego
your chic and sophisticated style keeps me coming back to your blog. whenever i get a style-fart i always visit your site. your sense of style is helping me in transitioning from the college student role to the grown up/real world adult role. i just love it!
marjorie r.
i heart your blog because simply put you have impeccable style.
big kiss,
los angeles
I like your blog because reading it makes me happy and I'm choosing to be happy (on most days). ;)
--Amy W.
new york city
I love your blog because you have a very elegant style and i hope I'll win that pair of jeans..looks very nice.
I live in Seattle and always enjoy seeing what you are wearing in New York. I especially love your fabulous shoe wardrobe. Your blog is lovely!
I share your idea on my daily outfit. Almost always, that was successful to try on.
Love your style of clothes and writing. I am a quiet, but deligent your reader. Thanks for your tips.
from Phildadelphia.
I love the way you choose your style, very decent classics, practically enjoyable to wear, and simply adaptable to real professional person.
Enjoying your writing, too.
I keep coming back to your blog because I learn so much from it. Fashion/style doesn't come naturally to me, and it's so helpful to see how you put together outfits. Your blog is rich with inspiration.
Emily W.
Durham, NC
Pick me Pick me.
Jessica M from Cleveland
I love to visit the blog to see how you've managed to style the pieces you get your hands on AND look professional too.
I keep coming back to your blog to get inspiration! I love seeing how others wear things. Since I started reading fashion blogs, I have taken more chances with my daily wear.
Hi! I actually came across your blog while reading others. Then I realized I had stumbled upon an amazing fashion blog. The reason as to why I keep coming back is simply because you make things wearable. You take a piece and make it something that I'd feel comfortable wearing casually. Love your blog!
Davis, CA
I like the previous post about tip on tailoring clothes, I almost always get my clothes tailored to fit the way I want and sometime not the way the piece is intended to be
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