Gorgeous Style Spy herself, featured above in a drool-worthy YSL dress ~If you haven't already checked out the glorious list of highly-addictive blogs featured on the right side of your computer screen, do so. I've already mentioned some of my favorites: Wendy Brandes Jewelry, Nini's Style, Diabolina's Super Sweet Fashion Diary, Hanh's Life in Travel, The Little Fashion Treasury, and Miss Cavendish are all among my daily cyberspace visits. Here are a couple more that I must alert you to:
STYLE SPY: Style Spy provides discount deals on goodies, works in conjunction with non-profit organizations to help women in third-world countries, and highlights covetable pieces for her fellow fashionistas. But what I love most about this woman is her incredibly humorous wit and sharply-written commentaries. (She also recently posted about yours truly, but I swear this post had nothing to do with that!) She's determined to achieve world domination, and she offers a tempting gift basket to anyone willing to help her do so (visit
here to find out).
STREET STYLE LONDON: Watch out, Scott. Polka Dot's got London covered, and she does so with a magnanimous eye, highlighting high, low, and quirky fashion--and everything in between.
Isn't Polka Dot adorable?!